Jennifer Sedgwick
How did you come to work at the ministry?
I came to New Day through the Presbytery of San Diego. I love being able to split my week between the two positions. I am enjoying the opportunity to serve the community directly here at New Day.
What do you for a good time when you’re not working?
In additon to working, I volunteer with the audio/visual team at my church, play handbells and am active in Girl Scouts. In my free time I enjoy kayaking on the bay, knitting, and reading.
Our ministry has been serving those in need for over 50 years. Every year...
0K Items of Clothing
0K People Served
0K Grocery Bags Annually
Our Church Partners.
New Day Urban Ministries is one of only two ministries common to the entire Presbytery of San Diego, which consists of 32 churches in the region. However, volunteers and financial contributions come from many denominations and sources.