Raul Palomino


Raul Palomino

Executive Director

How did you come to work at the ministry?
Through my life, the love of service has made me to see God’s love in people. As a member of Chula Vista Presbyterian Church (CVPC) in 2006, I was very active teaching preaching and supporting the new Hispanic ministry along with Nicasio Rojas, Hugo Carbajal and Pastor Bob Davis.  In the fall of 2014, I received a call from a ministry friend, who said: “Brother Raul, there is an opening at Presbyterian Urban Ministries, as it was called at the time. He stated that when he read the help wanted ad, the ad was describing me”. After many interviews and a background check, I was offered the position of Executive Director in February 2015.


Who was a big influence in your career choice?
My Mother’s commitment to service as a RN for 30 years and the love of the least of us in our community.


What was “your finest moment,” the thing you’re most proud of (this can pertain to your entire life, not just your current position)?
I’m proud of accomplishing many goals, first as an immigrant in America becoming a US Citizen in 2004, then graduating from college in 1998.  Getting married with my wife Sandra in the year 2000 was a highlight. I finished my MBA in 2010 and now I have two teenagers Priscilla (17) and Jeremiah (14).


Is there a great client story you’d care to share?
There are many stories, but one stands out:

During my first year at the ministry, I received a prayer request in person from a client, his name is Calvin. Calvin had been addicted to illegal substances for many years and he ask me to pray for his addiction to stop. He mentioned to me, that he wanted to start a new day without drugs. I did pray for his addiction to stop, six months after that prayer, Calvin returned to thank us and to share with me his joy of been clean and sober a day after we prayed.


What attracted you to New Day?
The ability to experience the power of GOD, when you love your neighbor with his provision using compassion and love for his creation


What talent do you wish you had?
The talent and ability to play an instrument to lead in worship when the computer or projector doesn’t work.


If you had to live on a desert island, what would you miss most?
Water then People


What’s your favorite food/meal?
Italian Food. My favorite meal is linguini with seafood

What’s your favorite sports team?
I’ve lived in San Diego County for the last 34 years; therefore, the AZTECS are my favorite team.

What frustrates you the most?
Negligence from people and institutions

What was growing up like for you?
I grow up in Toluca, Mexico. My 16 years in Mexico were filled with love, education and commitment to our protestant heritage. My family was and is still very active in the Mexican Presbyterian Church since the early 1900’s. My great grandfather started his missionary work in Mexico in the 1920’s starting 31 missions, one in every state.

What’s your favorite TV program? And your least favorite?
My favorite program is Shark Tank and my least favorite program is any program that promotes violence and injustice.

What do you for a good time when you’re not working?
When I’m not working, I share my free time with my family going to the movies, having our daily family devotional and going to the park to play basketball.

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Our Church Partners.

New Day Urban Ministries is one of only two ministries common to the entire Presbytery of San Diego, which consists of 32 churches in the region. However, volunteers and financial contributions come from many denominations and sources.